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Corporate Branding

Corporate Branding- What It Is

Corporate branding is all about promoting a brand rather than promoting the particular products or services. The wider scope of corporate branding makes it different than to products / services branding. A brand is the set of stakeholders’ expectations; while the corporate branding is strengthening of trust that keep the stakeholders abide to a brand.

Corporate Visual Identity

Corporate visual identity is an enduring symbol powered by the visual elements color schemes, creative designs, words, logo, slogan, stationery, name, uniforms etc. Corporate-identity is permanent unless it is changed deliberately. Professionally created corporate identity design over the time evokes the feelings, attachment, trust and experience with the brand. The visual identity provides the businesses growth oriented visibility, recognition, social image, reputation, identification, uniqueness.

Brand Messaging

Brand messaging is all about telling a short story that makes the stakeholders excited about your product/services and encourages them rally your flag to meet out their requirements. To understand the importance of brand messaging, just go through these famous brand messages - Nike: ‘Just Do It’; BMW: ‘Ultimate Driving Machine’; Apple: ‘Think Different’; Subway: ‘Eat fresh’. Brand messaging leads the businesses in the battle of winning customers’ hearts.

Difference Between Corporate & Product Logo Design:

A corporate logo design represents the organization’s activities and business type. It creates an identity of corporate house as a whole. The successful corporate logo designs represent corporate values & vision besides giving a clear message to target audience and the corporate house itself. So, all the global brands have a leading logo that is the representation of their corporate values, vision and gives a clear business message to the global audience.

The product logo is created for a specific product/ products series. The product logo designer highlights the key features and usefulness of that product for the target buyers’ segment. For example- Coca-Cola is one the biggest soft drink brand in the world; and, it offers numbers of products under its umbrella - Sprite, Fanta, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Life. Each of these soft drinks has its own logo powered by corporate logo.

The leading brands and corporate marketing companies formulate the strategies differently for corporate & product brand marketing with focus on objective oriented meaningful brand advertising to stand out amongst the competitors and in consumer’s minds.

Corporate Branding Solutions

Formulating the corporate branding solutions for every business type puts across new challenges. The corporate branding specialists need to take care of numbers of elements pivotal to deep visual impact, long lasting memory, usability and convincing for values. As a leading corporate branding solution provider for over the years, we value the suggestions and insights of your marketing managers, sales staffs, and other stake holders. We see our corporate branding, corporate visual identity, brand messaging solutions as the outcome of a ‘partnership program’ guided by our experts to differentiate your brand. A comprehensive corporate branding solution includes:

We have in-house team of dedicated professionals to excel in each area.

Corporate Branding - How to Do It Right

Before diving heads in to ‘How to do corporate branding right’, it is a must to interpret market dynamism, consumer mindsets and rising trends. The corporate branding is a long term process to create an asset forever; it must reflect vision, mission, service deliverance, business type, uncompromised quality etc. The starting point of corporate branding, brand identity development , brand messaging is your own board room. Getting social is the key to tap the concerned and potential buyers; so, make a noticeable presence at all the prominent social podiums. Consistent quality content sharing & tone of voice is another critical area that needs your focus for long lasting corporate branding. Engaging employees and target audience is vital for building the brand awareness and authority.

Our tailor made corporate branding, product branding, identity development and other promotional services are guided by a thought – “How much value does the brand positioning provide to corporate house and how much instrumental is the created brand in keeping the target audience engaged even in competitive environment?”

Corporate Branding - Portfolio




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